Tag: visualization
- Diagrams with mermaid (13 Feb 2021)
- Online drawing with js-sequence-diagrams (13 Feb 2021)
- R - geofacet package to spatially arrange plots (02 Jul 2020)
- R - superior svg rendering (01 Jul 2020)
- R - visualization full paletteer gallery (01 Jul 2020)
- R - ggfocus package: ggplot2 extension for highlighting subgroups (01 Jul 2020)
- R - ggfittext package: ggplot2 fit text inside defined area (01 Jul 2020)
- R - ggcharts package: high-level ggplot2 interface (01 Jul 2020)
- R - visualize big matrices with R (bioinfo) (01 Jul 2020)
- R - visualize big matrices with R (bioinfo) (01 Jul 2020)
- draw.io: tool to create flowcharts and networks online (01 Jul 2020)
- R - draw relations in text with textplot package (30 May 2020)
- R - draw Tendril plots with the Tendril package (30 May 2020)
- R - draw sinaplots with geom_sina() from ggforce package (30 May 2020)
- R - save and replay base plots with recordPlot() and replayPlot() (30 May 2020)
- R - paste plots from R to Word with devEMF package (30 May 2020)
- R - patchwork: package for assembling ggplots (30 May 2020)
- R - paletteer: package for color palettes (30 May 2020)
- R - draw mosaic plots with mosaic() from vcd package (30 May 2020)
- R - draw mosaic plots with geom_mosaic() from ggmosaic package (30 May 2020)
- R - improved text rendering of ggplot2 plots with mdthemes package (30 May 2020)
- R - draw lego bricks in R with the brickr package (30 May 2020)
- R - report interaction analyses with interactionR package (30 May 2020)
- R - draw hybrid ggplot2 plots with gghalves (30 May 2020)
- R - improved text rendering of ggplot2 plots with ggtext package (30 May 2020)
- R - geom_star() from ggstar provide star shapes for ggplot2 (30 May 2020)
- R - generate gallery of ggplot2 themes (30 May 2020)
- R - use function to directly change axis labels in ggplot2 (30 May 2020)
- R - draw balloon plots with ggballoonplot() from ggpubr (30 May 2020)
- R - difference between geom_bar() and geom_col() in ggplot2 (30 May 2020)
- R - draw and save plots from plotly (30 May 2020)
- R - draw genes in ggplot2 plots with gggenes (30 May 2020)
- R - distribution plots with geo_fan() from ggfan package (30 May 2020)
- R - draw distribution plots with geom_density_ridges() from ggridges (30 May 2020)
- R - plot distributions with plot_distr() from fplotpackage (30 May 2020)
- R - draw correlogram, adapted from corrplot() (30 May 2020)
- R - comprehensive list of R palettes (30 May 2020)
- R - YaRrr package: colors in R and transparent() (30 May 2020)
- R - colorRampPalette(): create palette and assign colors for a vector of continuous values (30 May 2020)
- bioRENDER (30 May 2020)
- R - barplot3d package: draw 3D barplot (30 May 2020)
- R - draw balloon plots with ggballoonplot() from ggpubr (30 May 2020)
- R - 3D visualization with anglr package (30 May 2020)
- R - tidyHeatmap: tidy wrapper package for ComplexHeatmap (30 May 2020)
- R - Dependency wheels and Sankey diagrams with sankeywheel package (09 Dec 2019)
- R - use R for presentations (with Markdown) (09 Dec 2019)
- R - data visualization with ggforce package (09 Dec 2019)
- R - Venn diagrams with ggVennDiagram package (09 Dec 2019)
- R - changes (and use) of default R palette (09 Dec 2019)
- R - 3 functions to plot scatterplot matrices (base::pairs(), ggplot2::ggpairs(), lattice::splom) (25 Dec 2018)
- R - list initialization (use of NA empty elements of specified types) (25 Dec 2018)
- R - binding R with D3 with r2d3 package (25 Dec 2018)
- Blog data analysis (link) (13 Aug 2018)
- R - ggplot2 master list plot examples (13 Aug 2018)
- R - chromoMap: R package for chromosome visualization (13 Aug 2018)
- R - r2d3 package: D3 visualization in R (13 Aug 2018)