SIB training courses

Advanced Shiny

  1. welcome: slides, scripts
  2. reproducible to interactive: slides, scripts
  3. building ui: slides, scripts
  4. reactive programming: slides, scripts
  5. modules: slides, scripts
  6. troubleshooting: slides, scripts

Advanced statistics: statistical modeling

slides: beyond linearity

slides: linear models

GLM: exercises, correction

slides: GAMs

GAMs - R

slides: longitudinal

ex1 R


Day 1: R

Day 2: R, R - exercises

Day 3: R (am), R (pm)

Day 4: R (am)

Statistical methods for big data in life sciences and health with R

Day 1: R, pdf solution part 2, pdf solution part 3

Day 2: R, pdf solution regression-correlation

Day 3: R, R - NN, pdf solution clustering

Day 4: R (am), R (pm), R - NN, pdf solution clustering, slides decision tree random forest - part 1, slides decision tree random forest - part 2, slides decision tree random forest - part 3, practicals decision tree random forest (html), practicals decision tree random forest (pdf), practicals NN (html), practicals NN (pdf), solution (cheese dataset)

Enrichment analysis


course R

Advanced R


Day 1: pdf, html, ipynb, R

Day 2: pdf, html, ipynb, R

Day 3: R

Autumn school in machine learning applied to systems biology

Day 1

introduction (R) slides Machine Learning

Day 2

slides (part 1) slides (part 2) best practices segmentation preprocessing (R) best practices segmentation (R) best practices titanic (R) best practices titanic correction (R)

Day 4
ML for microbial communities

html, ipynb

Python image tutorial

html, ipynb

Load image: html, ipynb

Numpy introduction: html, ipynb

Playing with images filters: html, ipynb

Segmenting cell images (fluorescent microscopy): html, ipynb

Subcellular location classification: html, ipynb

Day 5

introduction: slides

auotoencoders: slides, exercises: pdf/html/ipynb

CNNs: slides, exercises: pdfhtml/ipynb

RNNs: slides