
(source: Deep learning: a practitioner’s approach - Gibson and Patterson)

Mini-batch training and stochastic gradient descent (SGD) Another variant of SGD is to use more than a single training example to compute the gradient but less than the full training dataset. This variant is referred to as the mini-batch size of training with SGD.

It has been shown to be more performant than using only single training instances. Applying mini-batch to stochastic gradient descent has also shown to lead to smoother convergence because the gradient is computed at each step it uses more training examples to compute the gradient. As the mini-batch size increases the gradient computed is closer to the “true” gradient of the entire training set. This also gives us the advantage of better computational efficiency.

If our mini-batch size is too small (e.g., 1 training record), we’re not using hardware as effectively as we could, especially for situations such as GPUs. Conversely, making the mini-batch size larger (beyond a point) can be inefficient, as well, because we can produce the same gradient with less computational effort (in some cases) with regular gradient descent.

Backpropagation and mini-batch SGD In mini-batch SGD, we train the model on multiple examples at once as opposed to a single example at a time. We see mini-batch used with backpropagation and SGD in neural networks as well to improve training. Under the hood, we’re computing the average of the gradient across all the the examples inside the mini-batch. Specifically, we compute the forward pass for all of the examples to get their output scores as a batch linear algebra matrix operation. During the backward pass for each layer, we are computing the average of the gradient (for the layer). By doing backpropagation this way, we’re able to get a better gradient approximation and use our hardware more efficiently at the same time.

Mini-batching With mini-batching, we send more than one input vector (a group or batch of vectors) to be trained in the learning system. This allows us to use hardware and resources more efficiently at the computer-architecture level. This method also allows us to compute certain linear algebra operations (specifically matrix-to-matrix multiplications) in a vectorized fashion. In this scenario we also have the option of sending the vectorized computations to GPUs if they are present.

Batch normalization and layers To accelerate training in CNNs we can normalize the activations of the previous layer at each batch. This technique applies a transformation that keeps the mean activation close to 0.0 while also keeping the activation standard deviation close to 1.0.

Batch normalization in CNNs has shown to speed up training by making normalization part of the network architecture. By applying normalization for each training mini-batch of input records, we can use much higher learning rates. Batch normalization also reduces the sensitivity of training toward weight initialization and acts as a regularizer (reducing the need for other types of regularization). Batch normalization has also been applied to LSTM networks.

Controlling epochs and mini-batch size It has been shown that dividing the training input dataset into mini-batches allows us to more efficiently train the network. A mini-batch tends to be anywhere from 10 input vectors up to the full input dataset.

This method also allows us to compute certain linear algebra operations (specifically matrix–matrix multiplications) in a vectorized fashion. In this scenario, we also have the option of sending the vectorized computations to GPUs if they are present.

Here are a couple of key terms to understand with respect to how we control training:

Understanding mini-batch size trade-offs In principle (with appropriate tuning), a neural network can learn with any mini- batch size. In practice, we need to choose a mini-batch size that balances the following:

Regarding computational efficiency, DL4J (and other modern deep learning libraries) parallelize learning at the level of mathematical operations such as matrix multiplications and vector operations (additions, element-wise multiplications, etc.). This means that too small a mini-batch size results in poor hardware utilization (especially on GPUs), and too large a mini-batch size can be inefficient — again, we average gradients over all examples in the mini-batch, which means eventually the computational cost of adding more gradients outweighs the benefit.

For performance (this is most important in the case of GPUs), we should use a multiple of 32 for the batch size, or multiples of 16, 8, 4, or 2 if multiples of 32 can’t be used (or result in too large a change given other requirements). In short, the reason for this is simple: memory access and hardware design is better optimized for operating on arrays with dimensions that are powers of two, compared to other sizes.

We should also consider powers of two when setting our layer sizes. For example, we should use a layer size of 128 over size 125, or size 256 over size 250, and so on. With regard to optimization efficiency, it’s sufficient to note that we cannot choose the mini-batch size totally in isolation from the other hyperparameters such as learning rate - a larger mini-batch size means smoother gradients (i.e., more accurate/consistent gradients), which, in conjunction with appropriate tuning, allow for faster learning for a given number of parameter updates. The trade-off of course is that each parameter update will take longer to compute. Using a larger mini-batch size might help our network to learn in some difficult cases, such as for noisy or imbalanced datasets.

So, what mini-batch size should we choose? In practice, 32 to 256 is common for CPU training, and 32 to 1024 is common for GPU training. Usually, something in this range is good enough for smaller networks, though you should probably test this for larger ones (where training time can be prohibitive). However, memory requirements can limit the maximum batch size for large networks anyway.

For distributed training, it’s not uncommon to use smaller mini-batch sizes per executor on shared hardware (such as when training on Spark with multiple executors per machine). Finally, don’t forget that the number of parameter updates per epoch is reduced when we increase the mini-batch size (where an epoch refers to one full pass of the training data). The number of parameter updates per epoch is just the total number of examples in our training set divided by the mini-batch size.

The relationship between mini-batch size and epochs If we increase our mini-batch size by a factor of two, we need to increase the number of epochs by a factor of two in order to maintain the same number of parameter updates.

(source: Pattern recognition - Bishop)

(NB not to confound with batch methods)

Techniques that use the whole data set at once are called batch methods. At each step the weight vector is moved in the direction of the greatest rate of decrease of the error function, and so this approach is known as gradient descent or steepest descent.

On-line gradient descent, also known as sequential gradient descent or stochastic gradient descent, makes an update to the weight vector based on one data point at a time.

One advantage of on-line methods compared to batch methods is that the former handle redundancy in the data much more efficiently. To see, this consider an ex- treme example in which we take a data set and double its size by duplicating every data point. Note that this simply multiplies the error function by a factor of 2 and so is equivalent to using the original error function. Batch methods will require double the computational effort to evaluate the batch error function gradient, whereas on- line methods will be unaffected. Another property of on-line gradient descent is the possibility of escaping from local minima, since a stationary point with respect to the error function for the whole data set will generally not be a stationary point for each data point individually.

If the data set is sufficiently large, it may be worthwhile to use sequential algorithms, also known as on-line algorithms, in which the data points are considered one at a time, and the model parameters updated after each such presentation. Sequential learning is also appropriate for real- time applications in which the data observations are arriving in a continuous stream, and predictions must be made before all of the data points are seen. We can obtain a sequential learning algorithm by applying the technique of stochastic gradient descent, also known as sequential gradient descent.

(source: Dive into deep learning - Zhang et al.)

Minibatch stochastic gradient descent

Even in cases where we cannot solve the models analytically, it turns out that we can still train models effectively in practice. Moreover, for many tasks, those difficult-to-optimize models turnout to be so much better that figuring out how to train them ends up being well worth the trouble.The key technique for optimizing nearly any deep learning model consists of iteratively reducing the error by updating the parameters in the direction that incrementally lowers the loss function. This algorithm is called gradient descent.The most naive application of gradient descent consists of taking the derivative of the loss funcion, which is an average of the losses computed on every single example in the dataset. In practice, this can be extremely slow: we must pass over the entire dataset before making a single update. Thus, we will often settle for sampling a random minibatch of examples every time we need to compute the update, a variant called minibatch stochastic gradient descent.In each iteration:

The values of the batch size and learning rate are manually pre-specified and not typically learned through model training. These parameters that are tunable but not updated in the training loop are called hyperparameters. Hyperparameter tuning is the process by which hyperparameters are chosen, and typically requires that we adjust them based on the results of the training loop as assessed on a separate validation dataset (or validation set). After training for some predetermined number of iterations (or until some other stopping criteria are met), we record the estimated model parameters. Note that even if our function is truly linear and noiseless, these parameters will not be the exact minimizers of the loss because, although the algorithm converges slowly towards the minimizers it cannot achieve it exactly in a finite number of steps. Linear regression happens to be a learning problem where there is only one minimum over the entire domain. However, for more complicated models, like deep networks, the loss surfaces contain many minima. Fortunately, for reasons that are not yet fully understood, deep learning practitioners seldom struggle to find parameters that minimize the losson training sets. The more formidable task is to find parameters that will achieve low loss on data that we have not seen before, a challenge called generalization.

(source: Neural networks and deep learning - Nielsen)

Stochastic gradient descent works by randomly picking out a small number m of randomly chosen training inputs. We’ll refer to those random training inputs as a mini-batch. The stochastic gradient descent works by picking out a randomly chosen mini-batch of training inputs, and training with those. Then we pick out another randomly chosen mini-batch and train with those. And so on, until we’ve exhausted the training inputs, which is said to complete an epoch of training. At that point we start over with a new training epoch.

Incidentally, it’s worth noting that conventions vary about scaling of the cost function and of mini-batch updates to the weights and biases. Summing over the costs of individual training examples instead of averaging is particularly useful when the total number of training examples isn’t known in advance. This can occur if more training data is being generated in real time, for instance.

We can think of stochastic gradient descent as being like political polling: it’s much easier to sample a small mini-batch than it is to apply gradient descent to the full batch, just as carrying out a poll is easier than running a full election. For example, if we have a training set of size n=60,000, as in MNIST, and choose a mini-batch size of (say) m = 10, this means we’ll get a factor of 6,000 speedup in estimating the gradient! Of course, the estimate won’t be perfect – there will be statistical fluctuations – but it doesn’t need to be perfect: all we really care about is moving in a general direction that will help decrease C, and that means we don’t need an exact computation of the gradient. In practice, stochastic gradient descent is a commonly used and powerful technique for learning in neural networks.

An extreme version of gradient descent is to use a mini-batch size of just 1. This procedure is known as online, on-line, or incremental learning. In online learning, a neural network learns from just one training input at a time (just as human beings do).

(source: Neural networks and deep learning - Aggarwal)

Mini-batch stochastic gradient descent

When all updates to the weights are performed in point- specific fashion, this is referred to as stochastic gradient descent. Such an approach is common in machine learning algorithms.

Most machine learning problems can be recast as optimization problems over specific objective functions. For example, the objective function in neural networks can be defined in terms optimizing a loss function L, which is often a linearly separable sum of the loss functions on the individual training data points. For example, in a linear regression application, one minimizes the sum of the squared prediction errors over the training data points. In a dimensionality reduction application, one minimizes the sum of squared representation errors in the reconstructed training data points.

In gradient descent, one tries to minimize the loss function of the neural network by moving the parameters along the negative direction of the gradient. Therefore, one would try to compute the loss of the underlying objective function over all points simultaneously and perform gradient descent.

The number of parameters to be updated by backpropagation can easily be on the order of millions in large-scale applications, and one needs to simultaneously run all examples forwards and backwards through the network in order to compute the backpropagation updates. It is, however, impractical to simultaneously run all examples through the network to compute the gradient with respect to the entire data set in one shot. Note that even the memory requirements of all intermediate/final predictions for each training instance would need to be maintained by gradient descent. This can be exceedingly large in most practical settings. At the beginning of the learning process, the weights are often incorrect to such a degree that even a small sample of points can be used to create an excellent estimate of the gradient’s direction. The additive effect of the updates created from such samples can often provide an accurate direction of movement. This observation provides a practical foundation for the success of the stochastic gradient-descent method and its variants.

The loss function of most optimization problems can be expressed as a linear sum of the losses with respect to individual points. In this case, updating the full gradient with respect to all the points sums up the individual point-specific effects. Machine learning problems inherently have a high level of redundancy between the knowledge captured by different training points, and one can often more efficiently undertake the learning process with the point-specific updates of stochastic gradient. This type of gradient descent is referred to as stochastic because one cycles through the points in some random order. Note that the long-term effect of repeated updates is ap- proximately the same, although each update in stochastic gradient descent can only be viewed as a probabilistic approximation. Each local gradient can be computed efficiently, which makes stochastic gradient descent fast, albeit at the expense of accuracy in gradient computation. However, one interesting property of stochastic gradient descent is that even though it might not perform as well on the training data (compared to gradient descent), it often performs comparably (and sometimes even better) on the test data. Stochastic gradient descent has the indirect effect of regularization. However, it can occasionally provide very poor results with certain orderings of training points.

In mini-batch stochastic descent, one uses a batch B of training points for the update. Mini-batch stochastic gradient descent often provides the best trade-off between stability, speed, and memory requirements. When using mini-batch stochastic gradient descent, the outputs of a layer are matrices instead of vectors, and forward propagation requires the multiplication of the weight matrix with the activation matrix. The same is true for backward propagation in which matrices of gradients are maintained. Therefore, the implementation of mini-batch stochastic gradient descent increases the memory requirements, which is a key limiting factor on the size of the mini-batch. The size of the mini-batch is therefore regulated by the amount of memory available on the particular hardware architecture at hand. Keeping a batch size that is too small also results in constant overheads, which is inefficient even from a computational point of view. Beyond a certain batch size (which is typically of the order of a few hundred points), one does not gain much in terms of the accuracy of gradient computation. It is common to use powers of 2 as the size of the mini-batch, because this choice often provides the best efficiency on most hardware architectures; commonly used values are 32, 64, 128, or 256. Although the use of mini-batch stochastic gradient descent is ubiquitous in neural network learning, most of this book will use a single point for the update (i.e., pure stochastic gradient descent) for simplicity in presentation.