R - usage of cut(), hist() and findInterval()

30 May 2020

Instead of table(cut(x, br)), hist(x, br, plot = FALSE) is more efficient and less memory hungry.

Instead of cut(*, labels = FALSE), findInterval() is more efficient.

findInterval(x, vec): given a vector of non-decreasing breakpoints in vec, find the interval containing each element of x;

x <- 2:18
v <- c(5, 10, 15) # create two bins [5,10) and [10,15)
#       x  
# [1,]  2 0
# [2,]  3 0
# [3,]  4 0
# [4,]  5 1
# [5,]  6 1
# [6,]  7 1
# [7,]  8 1
# [8,]  9 1
# [9,] 10 2
#[10,] 11 2
#[11,] 12 2
#[12,] 13 2
#[13,] 14 2
#[14,] 15 3
#[15,] 16 3
#[16,] 17 3
#[17,] 18 3
[ R  function  ]